发布时间: 2011-08-04
浏览次数: 59
来源: 贵州省生化工程中心


1. Kang, J.C. and Hyde,  K. D. 2007. LSU nrDNA of endophytes/epiphytes unexpectedly amplified from the blossom of Gastrodia elata BL.  Fungal Diversity(真菌多样性, 国际真菌学期刊SCI. 影响因子:ca. 1.4) (accepted) 

2. Aung, O.M., Kang, J.C., Liang, Z.Q., Soytong, K. and Hyde, K.D. 2006. Cordyceps mrciensis sp.nov. from a spider in Thailand. Mycotaxon(真菌种类, 美国真菌分类国际期刊SCI.收录期刊,影响因子:ca. 0.64) 97: 235-240. 

3Aung, O.M., Kang, J.C., Liang, Z.Q., Soytong, K. and Hyde, K.D. 2006. A new entomopathogenic species, Hymenostilbe furcata, parasitic on a hemipteran nymph in northern Thailand. Mycotaxon(真菌种类, 美国真菌分类国际期刊SCI.收录期刊,影响因子:ca. 0.64) 97: 241-245. 

4.  Kang, J.C., Kevin, D.H. and Crous, P.W. 2003. Molecular systematic studies on part of ascomycete and mitosporic fungi. Mycosystema (菌物系统, 中国菌物学会期刊) 22 (suppl.): 336-342.

5.  Liang, Z.Q.,Wang, B. and Kang, J.C. 2003. Several rare entopathogenic fungi from Western Sichuan mountains. Fungal Diversity(真菌多样性, 国际真菌学期刊SCI. 影响因子:ca. 1.4) 12: 129-134.. 

6. Kang, J.C., Crous, P.W., Mchau G., Serdani, M and Song, S.M. 2002. Phylogenetic analysis of Alternaria spp. associated with apple core rot and Citrus black rot in South Africa. Mycological Research (真菌学研究, 英国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.4) 106: 1151-1162. 

7. Kang, J.C., Kong, R.Y.C. and Hyde, K.D. 2002. Phylogeny of Amphisphaeriaceae (sensu stricto) and related taxa revisited based on nrDNA sequences. Mycotaxon(真菌种类, 美国真菌分类国际期刊SCI.收录期刊,影响因子:ca. 0.64) 81: 321-330. 

8. Serdani, M., Kang, J.C. Andersen, B. and Crous, P.W. 2002. Characterization of Alternaria species associated with core rot of apples in South Africa. Mycological Research(真菌学研究, 英国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.4) 106: 562-567.

9. Kang, J.C., Crous, P.W. and Schoch, C.L. 2001. Species concepts in the Cylindrocladium floridanum and Cy. spathiphylli complexes (Hypocreaceae) based on multi-allelic sequence data, sexual compatibility and morphology. Systematic and Applied Microbiology (系统及应用微生物学, 德国微生物学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 2.4) 24(2): 206-217.    10. Kang, J.C., Crous, P.W., Old, K. M. and Dudzinski, M.J. 2001. Non-conspecificity of Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum and Calonectria quinqueseptata based on a b-tubulin gene phylogeny, and morphology. Canadian Journal of Botany(加拿大植物学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 0.95) 79(10): 1241-1247. 

11. Crous, P.W., Kang, J.C. and Braun,U. 2001. A phylogenetic redefinition of anamorph genera in Mycosphaerella based on ITS rDNA sequence and morphology. Mycologia(真菌学, 美国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.5) 93(6):1081-1101. 

12. Mostert, L., Kang, J.C., Crous, P.W. and Denman, S. 2001. Phomopsis saccharata sp. nov., causing a canker and die-back disease of Protea repens in South Africa. Sydowia(塞多维亚, 国际真菌学期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 3.15) 53: 227-235. 

13. Groenwald, M., Kang, J.C., Crous, P.W. and GAMS, W. 2001. ITS and b-tubulin phylogeny of Phaeoacremonium and Phaeomoniella spp., with reference to Petri grapevine decline. Mycological Research (真菌学研究, 英国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.4)105: 651-657. 

14. Crous, P.W. and Kang, J.C. 2001. Phylogenetic confirmation of Calonectria spathulata and Cylindrocladium leucothoes with reference to Cy. perseae based on morphology and DNA sequence of b-tubulin and ITS. Mycoscience (真菌科学, 日本真菌学会期刊) 42: 51-57. 

15. Mostert, L., Crous, P.W., Kang, J.C. and Phillips, A.J.L. 2001.  Species of Phomopsis and a Libertella sp. occurring on grapevines with specific reference to South Africa: morphological, cultural, molecular and pathological characterization. Mycologia(真菌学, 美国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.5) 93: 145-166. 

16. Swart, L., Crous, P. W., Kang, J. C., Mchau, G. R. A., Pascoe, I., Palm, M. E. 2001. Differentiation of Elsinoë spp. associated with scab disease of Proteaceae based on morphology, symptomatology and ITS DNA sequence analysis. Mycologia (真菌学, 美国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.5) 93: 366-379. 

17. Kang, J. C., Liang, Z. Q., Liu, A.Y. and Kong, R. Y. C. 2000. Molecular evidence of polymorphism in Cordyceps based on 5.8S rDNA and ITS2 sequences. Mycosystema (菌物系统, 中国菌物学会期刊)19 (4): 492-497. 

18. Crous, P.W., Aptroot, A., Kang, J.C., Braun, U., and Wingfield, M.J. 2000. The genus Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs. Studies in Mycology (真菌学研究丛刊, 荷兰真菌学国际刊物SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 4.25) 45: 107-121. 

19. Denman, S., Crous, P.W., Taylor, J.E., Kang, J.C., Pascoe, I. and Wingfield, M.J. 2000. An overview of the taxonomic history of Botryosphaeria, and a re-evaluation of its anamorphs based on morphology and ITS phylogeny. Studies in Mycology(真菌学研究丛刊, 荷兰真菌学国际刊物SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 4.25) 45: 129-140. 

20. Kang, J.C., Hyde, K.D. and Kong, R.Y.C. 1999. Studies on the Amphisphaeriales: The Amphisphaeriaceae (sensu stricto). Mycological Research(真菌学研究, 英国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.4) 103: 53-64. 

21. Kang, J.C., Hyde, K.D. and Kong, R.Y.C. 1999. Studies on the Amphisphaeriales:The Cainiaceae. Mycological Research(真菌学研究, 英国真菌学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 1.4)103: 1621-1627. 

22. Kang, J.C., Hyde, K.D. and Kong, R.Y.C. 1999. Studies on the Amphisphaeriales. The genera excluded from the Amphisphaeriaceae, Cainiaceae and Clypeosphaeriaceae. Fungal Diversity(真菌多样性, 国际真菌学期刊SCI. 影响因子:ca. 1.4) 2: 135-151. 

23. Kang, J.C., Hyde, K.D. and Kong, R.Y.C. 1999. Studies on the Amphisphaeriales: The Clypeosphaeriaceae. Mycoscience (真菌科学, 日本真菌学会期刊) 40:151-164. 

24. Crous, P.W., Kang, J.C., Schoch, C.L., and Mchau, G.R.A. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships of Cylindrocladium pseudogracile and C. rumohrae with morphologically similar taxa, based on morphology and DNA sequences of ITS and b-tubulin. Canadian Journal of Botany (加拿大植物学国际期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 0.95) 77: 1-8. 

25. Crous, P.W., Hong, L., Wingfield, M.J., Wingfield, B. and Kang, J.C. 1999. Uwebraunia and Dissoconium, two morphologically similar anamorph genera with different teleomorph affinity. Sydowia(塞多维亚, 国际真菌学期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 3.15) 51: 155-166. 

26. Kang, J.C., Kong, R.Y.C. and Hyde, K.D. 1998. Studies on the Amphisphaeriales 1. Amphisphaeriaceae (sensu stricto) and its phylogenetic relationships inferred from 5.8S rDNA and ITS2 sequences. Fungal Diversity(真菌多样性, 国际真菌学期刊SCI. 影响因子:ca. 1.4)1: 147-157. 

27. Hyde, K.D., Kang, J.C. and Kong, R.Y.C.1996. Fungi from palms. XXX. Notes on Amphisphaeria species described from palms and a description of A. umbrina. Nova Hedwigia(新荷德维基, 国际真菌学期刊SCI.收录论文,影响因子:ca. 4.5) 63: 101-108.